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    03, 2021

    Tuesday, March 23, 2021

    Admit it; the bedrock of every successful business is its most prized assets: the workforce. A high-performing team makes for improved productivity. This, in turn, fosters growth beyond the competition and sustained longevity. As an architecture or design firm, you want your business to grow. But if your team is [...]

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    03, 2021

    Tuesday, March 16, 2021

    The number of remote employees continues to surge across the United States. Even though many leaders are still adapting to these rapid changes, some are struggling to keep everyone on track. Fortunately, your remote teams can be just as productive as your onsite one as long as you help them [...]

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    03, 2021

    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    This month we have been more busy than we have in about a year.  It is great and we are loving the opportunity to support our clients and the industry in our way.  I know that my clients are excited as well. But are some opportunities being missed?  Maybe.  It [...]

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    03, 2021

    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    Architecture firms are quickly discovering the potential of using virtual and augmented reality when presenting a project and during the design process. It is also becoming one of the most effective ways to sell interior design jobs. In fact, VR is the preferred method for sharing big project designs because [...]

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    03, 2021

    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Throughout the year I am sharing updates on how the Architecture and Interior Design industry is responding to the new workplace normal.  All virtual?  All hands on deck?  Follow here and find out.

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    03, 2021

    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Constructive criticism is often uncomfortable to hear. But, in architecture and design, those who accept feedback with humility are better able to learn on the job and improve their skills over time. These tips can help you capitalize on constructive criticism in the workplace. Pause and Listen Most professionals experience [...]

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    02, 2021

    Tuesday, February 23, 2021

    The ongoing pandemic has created challenges and roadblocks for many professionals in design and architecture. Some have unexpectedly lost jobs. Some have had to adjust to working from home for the first time. Others have had to put schooling on pause. One bright side in all of this is that [...]

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    02, 2021

    Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    As vaccines start and a possible pandemic end in sight, many are wondering what the future of architecture will look like. Although some major investments and design jobs have been put on hold, the demand for some projects continues to grow. City leaders, health experts and architects are all coming [...]

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    02, 2021

    Friday, February 12, 2021

    The recruiting and onboarding process should always be a priority regardless of your industry or your firm’s size. As firms start to rebuild or grow, the battle for talent is resuming. It is often a knee-jerk reaction to think that money is the key to finding the right talent. In [...]

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    02, 2021

    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    There are always going to be external variables that can get in the way of achieving your professional goals. Even though some of these things might slow you down, it’s important that you don’t let them stop you. It’s usually our own self-sabotaging behaviors that tend to hold us back. [...]

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    01, 2021

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    From political opinions to differences in how to respond publicly to the pandemic, division seems to be growing in our nation. Yet, this isn’t the first time that our country has experienced significant differences. With such a wide range of opinions so readily expressible through social media and other channels, [...]

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    01, 2021

    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    As we start 2021, it is clear we are entering a new era. COVID-19 has affected every sector of society and caused us to rethink everything from architecture to public safety to city planning. Here are some ways designers are reimagining cities, offices, and homes in this new era. Emphasis [...]

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    01, 2021

    Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    I am making new habits in the new year.  Things have changed at a fundamental level in the United States and in the world.  This year I am using the momentum of these changes to do better.  This year I am not setting any New Year’s resolutions.  Instead I am [...]

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    01, 2021

    Tuesday, January 12, 2021

    Adapting new habits is always a challenge, but it is a necessary step in self-improvement and reaching important personal and professional goals. After the stress of last year, most of us are looking to 2021 with hope and are ready to make positive changes in our lives. Here are some [...]

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    01, 2021

    Wednesday, January 6, 2021

    The Strategy Workbook idea came from an event several years ago.  While planning I came across a task I had created that read “Cut and Paste New Strategy”. I was mortified. Was this what I thought of DBI, the firm I had grown from nothing since 2009? Was this what [...]

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    01, 2021

    Tuesday, January 5, 2021

    Attracting top talent will be critical as firms recover in 2021. Having a hiring process that is focused on a positive candidate experience is THE best way for firms to win top talent. Although a positive candidate experience should always be a priority, many hiring managers are spread too thin [...]

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    12, 2020

    Tuesday, December 29, 2020

    It is the end of the year and if you are like most you are setting goals for next year and beyond. It’s important to set meaningful career goals but be realistic. It is important to develop goals you can achieve. Doing so can increase job satisfaction, improve your quality [...]

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    12, 2020

    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    In architecture and design, internal career mobility can set your firm apart. These days, employees expect the firms they work for to provide them with opportunities for career development and advancement. By providing opportunities for internal career mobility you can improve employee satisfaction and retention. Here are some of the [...]

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    12, 2020

    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    The holiday season is the perfect time of year to show your team how much you appreciate them, especially this year when we can all use some extra cheer. Your team has worked hard all year under abnormally stressful conditions. Here are some ideas to show gratitude for your employees [...]

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    12, 2020

    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    This Design+Dialogue is a simple happy holiday message. All of us at DBI wish all of you and yours a great holiday season and a happy new year.