The current workforce trend is job hopping to leverage higher wages, but it doesn’t have a structurally sound leg to stand on in the future market. Company leaders suggest getting a new job may not be worth it if it sacrifices your ten or twenty-year planned achievements.

However, the labor market will change. Right now, we are in an employee-favored market. If you truly want to progress in your field, you must prepare for the futures market, which will inevitably shift back to company and employer-favored.

The bottom line: you may never have an opportunity like this to find the job of your dreams.

Reasons To Get a New Job

In an economic environment where job opportunities abound, it seems that compensation is the number one reason to get a new job. By this logic, yes, leaving your current workforce for the next big thing is a great reason to make the switch.

Are you playing the long game or the short game?

Company and industry leaders notoriously play the long game where if compensation is the employee’s number-one priority, the employer may not invest in the person because the loyalty isn’t there.

Those interested in the long game also won’t find it in their best interest to switch jobs based solely on things like ineffective communication with their boss. Rather, invest the time and energy to build a relationship with the brand.

Both employees and employers are quick to discard investing in relationships, especially if the feeling of support isn’t reciprocated. The employer shows their willingness by hiring the employee. It is then both parties’ responsibility to continue building that trust and investment.

However, things like:

  • Lack of mentorship and growth
  • Commute
  • Projects and autonomy
  • Culture
  • Responsibility
  • Overall appreciation

All are common reasons to find a new job.

If you feel any of your morals compromised, that’s reason enough to switch but not necessarily without effectively communicating your misfortunes with the company first.

When Is the Right Time To Switch?

Finding a sufficient reason and time to switch jobs is a subjective venture and depends on the person’s objective. If your objective is to make the most compensation with minimal effort, job-hopping is probably right for you (for the time being). Given those circumstances, when a better – higher paying – job opportunity arises, that would be the best time to switch.

Those with the outlook of becoming industry leaders will find it more beneficial to sacrifice those short-term opportunities with sights set on the long-term. Industry relationships, mentorship, autonomy, responsibility, and passion for growth are the main objectives here.

Current company and industry leaders can spot the difference in objectives based on how an employee interacts in the current work environment. Employees that will jump ship for the next big salary tend to lack the long-term mindset. They won’t invest their time in planning for the company’s future because they know they won’t be there to see it into fruition.

The job hoppers must keep this in mind as they try to skip steps up the workforce ladder.

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