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    11, 2020

    Monday, November 23, 2020

    Last week I discussed the top reasons candidates are rejected your offer.  This week I share the solution, Interview Teams.  Check out the video on how to develop a well-organized and successful interview team. Here is the link to my Design+Dialogue regarding why candidates are rejecting your offer.  

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    11, 2020

    Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    From continued social distancing to underlying financial uncertainty, the world continues to cope with challenges that have never experienced before! Many of us are left looking for ways to adapt, accept, and bounce back from these stressful times. Resilience is an essential skill that will not only help you rebound [...]

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    11, 2020

    Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    If you’re having a difficult time hiring the right candidates for your architecture jobs, then it could be due to a flawed hiring process. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to improve. There are three common things you could be getting wrong in your hiring process and [...]

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    11, 2020

    Tuesday, November 3, 2020

    Leaders, those that really stand out, have learned to develop some very specific qualities. Take Sir Richard Branson for example, the self-proclaimed rule-breaker owns one of the world’s most recognized brands and has authored several books on important leadership principles. Instead of relying on traditional business strategies, he suggests that [...]

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    10, 2020

    Tuesday, October 27, 2020

    The pandemic continues to impact the architecture industry in many different ways. One trend that we’re seeing is that a growing number of people, especially millennials, are migrating away from cities in favor of suburban living to better insulate themselves from climate risks and COVID. Architecture consulting services and planners [...]

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    10, 2020

    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Last week I spoke to employees on how they can create a better relationship with their bosses and managers.  This week it’s the boss’ turn.  These three tips are ones any manager can start using today to develop better employee relationships.

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    10, 2020

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    As our country continues to navigate through unprecedented times, people are still learning how to cope with the fallout of job layoffs, canceled concerts and closed restaurants, bars and schools. Many of our normal routines have been replaced with extended lengths of self-isolation and social distancing from our friends, family, [...]

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    10, 2020

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    The relationship you have with your boss has been proven to be THE most important relationship of your career. In this Design+Dialogue I share a few ways to improve that relationship, whether it is currently good or bad. It was built from this post, check it out.

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    10, 2020

    Tuesday, October 13, 2020

    Over the course of 2020, we have seen the effects of climate change and infectious disease. Both disproportionally affect underprivileged communities who often lack access to healthcare or the ability to relocate. Architecture firms have an opportunity to invest in climate change and COVID recovery– including renewable energy and green [...]

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    10, 2020

    Wednesday, October 7, 2020

    This post is to thank everyone that has been a part of my life, and of DBI. Today is my 50th birthday and I feel so fortunate to have such a great life, business, and home. Thank you!

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    10, 2020

    Tuesday, October 6, 2020

    Equity as a value can change an architecture or design firm for the better. When firms promote diversity and equity in their organizational culture, they attract and retain better talent, improve performance, and create a work environment where everyone feels like they have a voice. What Is Equity? Equity is [...]

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    09, 2020

    Wednesday, September 30, 2020

    DBI is starting to see the design industry recover in parts of the country.  Many of our clients are looking for ways to increase profit AND mitigate risk.  We feel that a strong contract talent/interim solutions strategy is a great way to do both. In this video I touch on [...]

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    09, 2020

    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    The list of reasons why some people dislike their boss can be extensive. From neglecting employees’ feelings and concerns to setting unrealistic expectations, there are many potential weaknesses that firm leaders can suffer from. But the success of a firm depends on managers and employees having mutual respect. Having a [...]

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    09, 2020

    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    As I have been working with firms, planning for their recovery as well as for the talent they will need to meet those recover goals, contract talent has come up time and again. DBI’s contract talent studio is call Interim Solutions.  We have the ability to put talent into any [...]

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    09, 2020

    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    Think back to before the Pandemic started (I know, it seems like last year) but go with me. Were your employees engaged? Did they truly participate in the firm? Did they understand the firm goals and strategies? Did they care? Now think about those same employees today. Are you at [...]

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    09, 2020

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    As architecture recruiters, we don’t want COVID-19 to get in the way of students entering the profession. But the pandemic continues to impact our industry as firms strategize how to continue their internship programs while keeping everybody safe. Although some employers chose to cancel internships, others were able to offer [...]

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    09, 2020

    Thursday, September 10, 2020

    As a leader I feel it is critical to be in the trenches, part of the work my teams do. It helps to create a strong corporate culture of trust and allows me to better lead the entire firm forward, removing obstacles and creating opportunities I may have missed if [...]

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    09, 2020

    Tuesday, September 8, 2020

    If there is a silver lining to come out of this recent health threat, it could be that we are learning more about what the pandemic shares in common with climate change, along with some proactive steps that we can take to reduce the negative impacts of both. Let’s review [...]

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    09, 2020

    Tips for Getting Hired During Economic Uncertainty
    Tips for Getting Hired During Economic Uncertainty

    Tuesday, September 1, 2020

    Between furloughs and cutbacks, the ongoing pandemic has upended a lot of people’s careers. Many professionals in architecture and design have found themselves in a position where they suddenly have to search for a job during an economic slowdown. Here are some tips to share on your resume, on social [...]

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    08, 2020

    Architecture Industry Update: Top Line
    Architecture Industry Update: Top Line

    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    The global pandemic hit the architecture industry hard. In the second quarter of 2020, almost three-fourths of design firms saw a decrease in their billings. When something unexpected happens to the economy, companies tend to put major development projects on hold. Fortunately, it isn’t all bad news. Some sectors of [...]