Change is afoot! The pandemic has created a seismic shift in every industry. The same goes for Architecture. Many designers are moving to find a dream job, be closer to family, or a lower cost of living.
When it is time to change, you need to resign. And it is essential to do it the right way. Whether it be due to personal reasons, a lack of interest in the working environment, or something urgent, resigning from a job is never easy. Here are some tips on how you can leave a position as smoothly as possible.
Tell Your Boss Before Anyone Else
Should you choose to resign, the first thing you should do is tell your boss. It may seem sudden, but your boss should hear about your plan on resignation from you rather than from someone else. The last thing you want is your boss overhearing that you’re planning on resigning from one of your co-workers.
Besides this, telling your boss first allows you to be more open and upfront about your resignation. This brings us to our next point – transparency.
Be Transparent
When you tell your boss that you’re resigning, be sure to provide as many relevant details as possible. Tell them the reason as to why you’re leaving, what decisions you have made throughout the process, and anything else that may help clear the air. Of course, if it’s private information concerning another party (possibly from the next company you’re working for), then try not to talk about that.
By being transparent, your boss will know that you aren’t leaving without good reason. Even if you decide to go due to disagreements between co-workers, your boss will understand. As long as you’re open about your resignation, you’ll minimize the chances of burning bridges that could have been useful down the line.
Use Letters, If Needed
In addition to telling your boss in person, it’s best to write up a resignation letter. While e-mails are far more convenient and, frankly, less scary to do, they may come off as less respectful towards management or the company. Not only does this leave a bad impression on your colleagues, but it could also affect your chances at jobs in similar industries by word of mouth.
On the other hand, letters feel more personable and intimate. They solidify the message that you’re leaving your job, and the added effort will make you appear more genuine by comparison.
Stay Positive
The chances are that you’re happy about your resignation from the company. But even if you are, it’s best to appreciate the lessons you may have learned throughout your time at the company. You’ll be able to bid farewell to your colleagues, co-workers, and superiors with a smile on your face, and they’ll appreciate your positivity, too.
Leaving your position can be difficult, but it can be made a lot easier by following these tips.
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