In my article out this week in Architect Magazine I mention a very cost effective way to create and print affordable portfolios, what I call a “traveling portfolio”. These are copies of your portfolio inexpensive enough to leave with a firm or send to a company prior to your interview.
The place is Costco. Costco has a function called “My Publisher Photobooks”. It is simple to use and very inexpensive.
To use “My Publisher Photobooks” you will need to download the software from the Costco website, it takes less than a minute. Once downloaded simply open it up and start uploading your photos. You can organize them into several pre-formatted “books” Costco provides. You have the ability to add text, watermarks, titles and just about anything else you would want.
Once you have completed your book simply click “purchase” to order your book. You can order 1 or 100 depending on what you need.
You will still want to have a formal portfolio to use during the interview process, your traveling portfolio is designed to give potential employers a sample of your work.