Toxic Boss

It’s been THAT kind of work week at your design firm, and Friday can’t get here soon enough. However, when Sunday evening arrives, you find that that same irritability from last week has returned. Your shoulders feel tight, your stomach is nauseous, and you begin wondering what else you can do with your degree and certification in architecture.

If you find that the quality of your work is suffering, and you dread getting up to go to the firm each day, you may be stuck in a toxic work environment.

5 Signs You’re Stuck in a Toxic Work Environment

A toxic work environment can affect your physical and emotional health. Employees in toxic workplaces often report sleeping poorly, having difficulty concentrating, constantly tired, and even turning to other harmful coping behaviors to soothe themselves.

Toxic workplace fatigue is real, and it can be dangerous. Recognizing that there is a problem is the first step toward overcoming it. Here are the signs of a toxic work environment:

  1. Office cliques perpetuate bullying, gossip, and rumors. The groups make you feel left out, isolated and ostracized.
  2. The leadership lacks empathy and refuses to recognize your need for work-life balance. They expect you to work unreasonable hours without adequate compensation for your time. Work and project deadlines always take precedence over emotional and physical health.
  3. You find yourself sitting in your car, waiting until the last minute before you have to report for work. You’re ready to leave at the first opportunity.
  4. Morale is at an all-time low because leadership enforces policies arbitrarily, employee retention is low, and there is too much work for the too few remaining employees.
  5. You’re still reading this article because you’re hoping to find a solution for being stuck in a toxic work environment. There is one; keep reading.

If you regularly think about quitting your job at the design firm, it’s time to take action.

Don’t Stick Around If the Environment Is Toxic

You don’t have to remain stuck in a toxic work environment. Here are steps you can take immediately to begin your exit strategy:

  • Identify other firms that might appreciate your talent.
  • Update your resume.
  • Take inventory of where you are in your career and what you want to do next.
  • Engage in networking opportunities to expand your contact list.
  • Work with a professional architecture and design recruiter to search for your next job.

Until you leave your current role, take care of yourself by exercising and eating healthily. Permit yourself to do some of your favorite activities after work and on weekends. Hang out with colleagues who understand what you’re going through and stay in contact with your recruiter.

You’ll be glad you decided to leave.

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