design portfolio

12 10, 2015

4 Free Websites to Get Your Architecture Portfolio Online

By |2022-10-04T04:58:25-07:00October 12, 2015|Blog|

Here are 4 free websites to get you architecture portfolio online.  Having an online architecture or design portfolio is a must in today’s fast-moving, digital world. It is a critical tool in being able to attract potential employers in a tight job market, an excellent way to stay organized as [...]

4 02, 2015

Portfolios That Hiring Managers LOVE!

By |2022-10-04T04:58:28-07:00February 4, 2015|Blog|

Portfolios That Hiring Managers LOVE! By: Scott Rixon David recently blogged about the general strategies and philosophies of the design portfolio presentation, today I want to include some further thoughts about the visual aspects of the portfolio and include some examples. When speaking with hiring managers, what they share that [...]

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