David Brown

20 05, 2022

Design+Dialogue: Is Happiness Enough?

By |2022-10-20T13:10:47-07:00May 20, 2022|Architecture, Blog, Design Careers|

Is happiness enough? DBI is a global recruiting firm focused on the Architecture and Interior Design Industry.  Each year we place candidates across the globe, supporting their career growth and goals.  Of course, we love what we do and enjoy seeing our candidates flourish as they join exciting firms and [...]

22 06, 2009

I Could Be A Star.

By |2022-10-04T04:58:58-07:00June 22, 2009|Blog|

I am part of a fantastic networking group called Biznik. It is a great place to network with other small business owners and entrepreneurs. The site has great articles, discussion topics and motivational members. Biznik also provides small business training and host socials, often free, for members. I enjoy the [...]

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