Woman working at her dream design job

Are you tired of your job and want to find your next job in the design world? Now is the time.

According to recent study by Robert Half, nine out of ten hiring managers are having trouble finding the talent they’re looking for—specifically within design.

Unemployment rates within design are lower than the national average, particularly in hot fields like web, digital, and UX design. So how do you know it’s time to make the switch? Read on for ways to know you’re ready to leave your job and how to find a new job in the design industry.

Knowing When You’re Ready to Leave Your Job

The decision to leave a job can be hard, but there are some tell-tale signs that indicate it’s time for a change. If you’re feeling bored or uninspired by your current role or if you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling with no room for growth and advancement, those could be signs that it’s time to start looking elsewhere. Other reasons why someone might want to switch jobs could include wanting more challenging work or an increase in salary.

Signs You’re Ready for a Change

We all hit that point at some stage in our lives when we feel like it’s time for something new.

Here are signs that you should consider switching careers:

– You have plateaued and don’t feel challenged anymore.

– You’re no longer excited about going to work each day.

– You feel unappreciated and undervalued.

– You want more flexibility with your career path.

If any of this sounds familiar, it may be time for a change.

Finding Your Next Job in Design

If you’re searching for a new role in design, there are various avenues available for finding open positions.

For example, LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool for connecting with potential employers and searching for jobs within your specific area of expertise. Additionally, attending local industry meetups and networking events can help get your name out there as well as give you an opportunity to learn about the current trends within design.

One of your best options may be a recruiter. Many recruiters specialize in helping designers find their next role so don’t hesitate to reach out and connect with them too!

Take a Look in the Mirror

Finally, consider what type of company culture best suits your preferences –– do you prefer working at larger companies where hierarchies are more pronounced or smaller companies where everyone wears multiple hats? Do some research into potential employers so that when it comes time to make a decision on which job offer is best suited for you, you have all the facts at hand!


The decision of whether or not it is time for a career change can be daunting but if done correctly can also be immensely rewarding.

With unemployment rates incredibly low amongst designers and companies eager for talented individuals such as yourself –– now is truly the perfect time to make the switch from your current role into something even greater!

Utilize tools like LinkedIn and recruiters specialized in helping designers find their next roles –– then put yourself out there –– because you never know what doors will open up!

Are you a professional looking for a new opportunity?

Contact us to discuss your career options or browse our open positions.